I Guide People to our Public Speaking Classes

It is the job of the Vice President Public Relations (VPPR) to guide people to Linlithgow’s public speaking classes.  This is what our former VPPR, Avril Stringer, says:

I’ve been in Toastmasters since 2002 when I joined because I wanted to become more confident in speaking before an audience.  My focus has changed in all that time and I now enjoy the social aspect the most.

When I think back to when I joined Glasgow Toastmasters (There was no Linlithgow Speakers back then), I am more confident when I am prepared but still find impromptu speaking a challenge.

For me to be still involved after 15 years, Toastmasters must be doing something right.  I am still here because I want to help others as well as myself.  I enjoy putting on an event and watching it unfold.  I also like the new projects I can participate in, especially the ones that get me out of my comfort zone!

For someone new to Toastmasters, I’d say to them to take on role, make speeches and jump right in. Learn by doing.

If you have not started your journey yet, just come along and see if it is for you. Or if you are already here, keep going, get more involved and always say YES if you are asked to do something.

What is the VPPR

The VPPR has 2 jobs.

One is to tell the world that we offer great public speaking classes and encourage new members to come along.

I am responsible for the website and social media, looking for free advertising, poster and leaflet design and distribution, writing and publishing articles in local press, organising publicty events – anything that lets people know we are here.

As with all our committee members, I have a full time job and a home life so it is not all down to me.  My biggest challenge is in enlisting the help oth others!

The second part of the job is internal communications.  Putting the club banner up, appointing a meeter-greeter and making the environment more pleasant.  In lieu of a Sargeant-at-Arms, I recently tidied up the catering bag and ensured veryone had a nice name badge.