Public Speaking Anxiety? You are not alone!

If you find you have public speaking anxiety, you are not alone.  All of our members suffer from this.  They are just like you – they want to overcome these nerves and speak with confidence.  So let’s meet some of them!

public speaking anxiety

Sue Anderson

I came along to “help find my voice” and was particularly touched when the lady beside me whispered “well done” as I sat back down after speaking for a very first time.

The genuinely uplifting encouragement is most empowering – together with the lack of criticism – as I overcome long held fears of standing up in front of an audience.

When I had to stand in front of my whole year group as well as the assessors, to tell a story as part of my Human Givens Diploma course,  I was glad I’d been going along to Linlithgow Toastmasters for a couple of months.

As a previously shy introvert, I had already faced my fears of standing up at the front of a room full of people,  even if it was just for some two-minute table topic slots,  before being put on the spot by the assessors evaluating us for our professional qualifications.  And yes, I qualified with the Diploma in Human Givens Therapy.

Our Committee Members

Linlithgow Speakers does not run itself.  We also have some dedicated members who help to run the club.  You do not have to have been a members for long – anyone can help out.

Many of our members not only want to overcome public speaking anxiety but also want to become more confident in other areas of their lives.  Becoming a committee member can help them do this.  The Toastmasters International structure means that there is guidance through manuals, training and mentors.  In addition, their efforts can be recognised through the Toastmaster programmes.

Each committee member plays a part in various aspects of the club.  Find out who they are below.

public speaking anxiety

Sheila Fraser

A former Sergeant at Arms, Sheila looked after the tea – and MUCH more

public speaking anxiety

Avril Stringer

As former VPPR Avril’s job was to tell people all about Linlithgow Speakers.

importance of public speaking

Colin Hervey

Former President of Linlithgow Speakers and favourite Leader!

Public speaking courses in scotland

Jim Boyd

As Treasurer, Jim Boyd looks after the money and has been a member the longest

Overcome your public speaking anxiety by visiting us!

The aim of Linlithgow Speakers is to help develop your speaking skills.  You can only do this by practicing.  It is difficult to find somewhere to practice prior to speaking it in front of a “real” audience.

We are friendly and forgiving.  We don’t judge and we give you feedback.  The programme we offer is tried and tested.

By coming along to Linlithgow Speakers, you are preparing yourself for speaking.  That in itself will help you to overcome your public speaking anxiety.  Why not try a free meeting to see if it is something that can help you?